CLOSED Bentley Priory PSPO (Public Spaces Protection Order) 2024

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This consultation has now concluded.

Welcome to the Bentley Priory PSPO (Public Spaces Protection Order) 2024 engagement page.

This consultation will run for seven weeks from midnight on Sunday 18 February until midnight on Sunday 7 April 2024.

This consultation has now concluded.


In March-May 2023 we ran an eight-week public consultation on our borough-wide PSPOs (Public Spaces Protection Orders).

We received some 585 responses to the consultation - one of the highest response rates we have had since we started MyHarrowTalk last February.

On 14 September 2023 Cabinet approved the introduction of a borough-wide PSPO and individual PSPOs for four localities. We have proceeded with the implementation of the borough-wide PSPO and three of the four localities from 01 February 2024. You can read more about them here:

Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) – London Borough of Harrow

But for our fifth locality, Bentley Priory and The Viewpoint, we have decided to run an additional enhanced consultation for the Bentley Priory area only. The draft Public Spaces Protection Order 2023 which was approved by Cabinet on 14th September is available to read as a document on this page. While we are consulting, we will not introduce any part of this PSPO (including The Viewpoint).

What is being proposed for Bentley Priory?

Bentley Priory is a recognised site of special scientific interest (SSSI) and a nature reserve. It has been identified as a location where nuisance and anti-social behaviour has been on the rise, and it is essential that protections are put in place to ensure that visitors and wildlife are protected from the recurring issues.

The 2023 consultation related to whether there should be a restriction that dogs would be required to be on a lead at all times within Bentley Priory. This 2024 consultation also asks if residents would prefer some areas in Bentley Priory designated as restricted for dogs on leads only and other areas designated where well behaved dogs could run off-lead.

Please refer to the two maps in the section to the right. These show where the proposed restrictions would be and a second map which highlights the areas where well-behaved dogs could continue to run off-lead.

Please note that if you responded to the 2023 consultation, you should still respond to the 2024 consultation. Responses from the 2023 consultation will be incorporated into a further report which will go to Cabinet at the end of this consultation period.

In the meantime, all dogs are welcome at Bentley Priory. However a Council enforcement officer can request a dog not under control to be placed on a lead where it is likely to cause nuisance, injury or disturbance to any other person, or to a bird or another animal.

Come and talk to us at Bentley Priory at the following dates and times:

Saturday 24 February 09:00 - 12:00

Friday 15 March - 13:00 - 16:00

Council officers will be located at the Old Lodge Way entrance.

Welcome to the Bentley Priory PSPO (Public Spaces Protection Order) 2024 engagement page.

This consultation will run for seven weeks from midnight on Sunday 18 February until midnight on Sunday 7 April 2024.

This consultation has now concluded.


In March-May 2023 we ran an eight-week public consultation on our borough-wide PSPOs (Public Spaces Protection Orders).

We received some 585 responses to the consultation - one of the highest response rates we have had since we started MyHarrowTalk last February.

On 14 September 2023 Cabinet approved the introduction of a borough-wide PSPO and individual PSPOs for four localities. We have proceeded with the implementation of the borough-wide PSPO and three of the four localities from 01 February 2024. You can read more about them here:

Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) – London Borough of Harrow

But for our fifth locality, Bentley Priory and The Viewpoint, we have decided to run an additional enhanced consultation for the Bentley Priory area only. The draft Public Spaces Protection Order 2023 which was approved by Cabinet on 14th September is available to read as a document on this page. While we are consulting, we will not introduce any part of this PSPO (including The Viewpoint).

What is being proposed for Bentley Priory?

Bentley Priory is a recognised site of special scientific interest (SSSI) and a nature reserve. It has been identified as a location where nuisance and anti-social behaviour has been on the rise, and it is essential that protections are put in place to ensure that visitors and wildlife are protected from the recurring issues.

The 2023 consultation related to whether there should be a restriction that dogs would be required to be on a lead at all times within Bentley Priory. This 2024 consultation also asks if residents would prefer some areas in Bentley Priory designated as restricted for dogs on leads only and other areas designated where well behaved dogs could run off-lead.

Please refer to the two maps in the section to the right. These show where the proposed restrictions would be and a second map which highlights the areas where well-behaved dogs could continue to run off-lead.

Please note that if you responded to the 2023 consultation, you should still respond to the 2024 consultation. Responses from the 2023 consultation will be incorporated into a further report which will go to Cabinet at the end of this consultation period.

In the meantime, all dogs are welcome at Bentley Priory. However a Council enforcement officer can request a dog not under control to be placed on a lead where it is likely to cause nuisance, injury or disturbance to any other person, or to a bird or another animal.

Come and talk to us at Bentley Priory at the following dates and times:

Saturday 24 February 09:00 - 12:00

Friday 15 March - 13:00 - 16:00

Council officers will be located at the Old Lodge Way entrance.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Thank you for taking the time to look at Bentley Priory's Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) consultation page. Your thoughts, views, ideas and comments on the proposals are important in shaping the final PSPO for Bentley Priory.

    For more information on our proposals, please read the PSPO information documents, and then complete this questionnaire. 

    The following survey refers to potential changes at Bentley Priory only. Apart from the first two questions none of these are mandatory and you can answer those which interest you. Please click save and continue to progress through the survey.

    To ensure personal information about you is secure, your answers will be treated in the strictest confidence and will be stored securely in line with GDPR requirements. 

    Thank you for your time – your participation in this important consultation is greatly appreciated. 


    Data Protection 

    The council does not collect personal information in this questionnaire which means the information you provide is anonymous. We do not ask for your name, address, email address, telephone number, full post code or any other information that would allow us to identify you. 

     Please be assured all your answers will be stored in accordance with our responsibilities under the Data Protection Act 2018. 

     You can read more about Harrow's privacy statement here: 

    This consultation has now concluded.

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