Am I affected? A step-by-step guide
To get an understanding of how the proposed changes may affect you, please answer the five key questions in this step-by-step guide.
Depending on how you answer, you will be shown what the impact could be for a household similar to yours.
Please note these are examples only and based on benefits and council tax data in 2024 because this information is not yet known for 2025. If the Council Tax Support changes were introduced, impacted claimants would be given full information on their individual circumstances before they come into effect.
No decision has yet been made - the consultation results will help councillors decide if they want to make any changes to Council Tax Support from April 2025.
If you do not receive Council Tax Support, you will not be affected by these proposed changes. But you can still use the step-by-step guide to see how others could be.
Please note that this step-by-step guide is not the Council Tax Support consultation. This is a tool to help show the potential impacts of the changes on different types of claimants. Pressing submit at the end of this guide will not affect the full survey's outcomes.
The guide assumes that if you receive Council Tax Support you are on Universal Credit. After December 2025 very few people will remain on Harrow's non-Universal Credit Council Tax Support scheme.