What is a public consultation and the purpose of it?

    We are consulting on our new draft Transport Strategy and would like to gather feedback on the document, importantly the vision, priorities and recommended actions. It is the first opportunity for local people to see and comment on the Strategy.

    What is the Transport Strategy about?

    The Strategy sets the direction that is needed to achieve the vision for a cleaner, safer and greener Harrow. We have put together a document that sets out the challenges and opportunities to build on our walking, cycling, driving and public transport networks and better integrate our communities. The Strategy outlines our vision, supported by four clear ambitions, priority areas and action plans.

    What are the main objectives of the Transport Strategy?

    To help achieve the Transport Strategy, we identify nine key objectives, one for each priority area. Transport in Harrow will achieve the following:  


    1. Enable people to access key destinations, green spaces, and leisure facilities by sustainable travel options, supporting active travel choices where possible.
    2. Feel safe to use and people will feel comfortable making journeys by sustainable modes at any time of day.
    3. Provide accessibility to opportunities, services and leisure for all. The system will support independent travel for people of all ages and abilities.
    4. Play a key role in bringing together local people, local businesses and cultures, injecting vibrancy into town centres and neighbourhoods.
    5. Support travel choices by non-car modes that are low carbon, support sustainable growth and have a reduced carbon footprint.
    6. Operate with reduced environmental impact on existing biodiversity and green spaces, to protect the natural environment for future generations.
    7. Support the Borough’s effort around decarbonisation and adaptation to climate change. The network will be resilient
    8. Connect individuals to opportunities and goods to consumers. The network will support the electric vehicle transition to a greener future.
    9. Utilise the latest developments in digital technology to enhance journey planning, experience and navigation of the network.

    What documentation do I need to read?

    Before completing the short survey, please read our Transport Strategy Summary document for an overview. For further information, please refer to the Transport Strategy full document.

    How will we use your views?

    Your views from the survey will be reviewed and analysed by the Council and Steer, to better inform our Transport Strategy. This will ensure the Strategy reflects the needs and priorities of people who live, work and visit the Borough. You will be notified when the final version of our Transport Strategy is published.