Project Update and August Dates

July's happenings:

Plenty has been going on up at Bentley Priory this month, with regular volunteer working parties helping to remove himalayan balsam from Spring meadow, clearing the invasive rhododendron which has been spreading through Lake Wood, and removing barbed wire hidden in the woods. We were lucky enough to have Denis Vickers lead Grassland Assessment training last weekend, where an eager bunch of 12 volunteers were taught the methodology for assessing the condition of grassland habitats, revealing that Old Lodge meadow is in good condition! And finally, from the concerted efforts of the site wardens and volunteers on a scorching hot day, the new tool store has been erected! This will provide much needed space for storing tools used to maintain the site, whilst freeing up the Nature Centre to be used for educational activities and other events.

Elsewhere in the borough:

We had another joint session with Woodlarks and Waders to clear Himalayan Balsam from a stretch of the river Pinn, teaming together to control invasive species from our waterways with a catchment-scale approach.

Following extensive tree planting on site last winter, we were back at Woodlands Open Space to conduct some essential tree aftercare, weeding away competitive grasses and adding woodchip mulch around their base:

At Stanmore Country Park we helped the site wardens install a new sign post for a walking route from Stanmore station up to the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital, and clear bramble encroachment into dragon ride to maintain this wildlife corridor for amphibian migration. They run monthly volunteer sessions on the first Wednesday of every month and you can sign up by emailing the site warden here

A good start was made to the new project clearing overgrown vegetation from around Bolton's Pand at Roxbourne Rough. Here we aim to bring in more light to the pond and create space for pond life to thrive, as well as restoring it's suitability for use as an educational space for exploring pond life:



And we have of course been continuing with rubble removal from the Yeading Brook both at Streamside Open Space and Yeading Walk, as well as removing a few logs that had been thrown into the river:

August activities:

Following an initial volunteer session led by the The Conservation Volunteers, we will be planting up sections of the wetland areas at Stanmore Marsh to help increase diversity in the site's riparian habitats.

We will be having a professional trainer in countryside skills provide expert tuition in scything (date tbc), and will be putting our skills to the test at Riverside Park to mow their new wildflower meadow.

We will also be running further sessions of tree aftercare and pond clearance at Woodlands Open Space and Roxbourne Rough respectively.

And at Bentley Priory we will be controlling Ragwort in Old Lodge, and clearing the remaining cherry laurel and Rhododendron in the Glenthorne area ahead of winter tree works and planting to restore this section of woodland.

If you're looking to get involved in more educational activities and opportunities to learn more about nature, in additional to practical conservation works, Harrow Nature Conservation Forum regularly run guided walks and other educational events at nature reserves across Harrow. Check out their upcoming activities here: HNCF educational events

Here is the updated volunteering schedule for August:

08/08/2024 Stanmore Marsh Wetland planting
12/08/2024 Bentley Priory Ragworth & thistle control in Old Lodge
14/08/2024 Brockley Hill Goat's Rue removal
22/08/2024 Roxbourne Rough Pond clearance
24/08/2024 Bentley Priory Cherry laurel & rhododendron clearance
27/08/2024 Woodlands Open Space Aftercare for recently planted trees
Riverside Park Meadow scything

All activities have now been added to the upcoming activities section - head over there to sign up.

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