Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy

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Welcome to the Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy Page.

This page has been set up to ask the Harrow community what they would like to see Neighbourhood Infrastructure funds spent on, through our interactive map.

The Council has set up a new system to ensure that the community has a say on the local infrastructure projects that are funded through developer contributions.

The survey is now closed. Results from this survey are now with Ward Councillors for consideration. If you would like further information, please contact

Where does the funding come from?

The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is essentially a form of taxation on new development that is used to fund infrastructure in the borough. It is typically collected as a payment from developers.

Neighbourhood CIL accounts for 15% of overall contributions, this is used to fund smaller localised infrastructure projects. This is then split further into a Ward fund (10%) to be spent by individual wards in the borough, and a Central fund (5%) which is open to all council wards to bid for additional funding. We need your help to nominate worthwhile local projects that NCIL should be spent on.

What kind of projects can the funding be spent on?

NCIL must be used to support the development of the local area by funding the provision, improvement, replacement, operation, or maintenance of infrastructure.

NCIL can be spent on a wide range of projects that meet the following criteria:

1. Meet the CIL Regulations ‘to support the development’ of an area through:

a. the provision, improvement, replacement, operation, or maintenance of infrastructure; or

b. anything else that is concerned with addressing the demands that development places on an area.

2. Aligns with a priority within the Corporate Plan.

3. Will make a significant contribution to a Ward or across Wards that share a boundary.

4. Offers value for money.

Examples of projects include:

  • Public realm improvements (public green walls, meeting places, art installations, feature lighting, street furniture, bins or recycling stations, landscaping, pedestrian safety improvements)
  • Safety improvements (Lighting upgrades, measures to reduce anti-social behaviour)
  • Green space improvements (parklets, hanging baskets/planters, park shelters, playgrounds, Sport pitches and courts upgrades, tree planting, community gardens, games areas, inclusive play spaces, sport pitch changing rooms)
  • Bike parking, cycle route improvements, bike servicing stations,
  • All abilities or accessibility upgrades to public buildings or the public realm
  • Community centre repairs or upgrades
  • Youth after-school weekend projects or programmes
  • Library of things (
  • Health and wellbeing programmes
  • Net-Zero carbon improvements
  • Community activities that bring people together for common aims, and to provide overall community development services.

Additional project ideas can be found in the documents tab.

How do I get involved?

Using the mapping feature on this page, please drop a pin in a location where a local infrastructure project could be undertaken. Tell us a bit about the proposed project including:

  • What is the project? (i.e Tree planting along this high street)
  • Why is the project needed? (i.e There is a lack of existing trees)

These project suggestions will then be provided to the relevant ward councillors for consideration for funding from their Ward NCIL fund, or for larger projects, from the Central NCIL funds. These ideas will be presented to ward councillors throughout November with bids for projects being considered in early December.

This page only seeks suggestions for potential projects and does not mean projects will be funded.

If you have any questions about this project or CIL funding, please contact the council on

Alternatively, you may contact your ward councillor to discuss potential projects.

* CIL payments are split into two pots, Borough CIL (BCIL) which accounts for 85% of the contributions, this is spent on big infrastructure projects that ensure we have enough, roads, drainage, schools, health care, community facilities and open space / biodiversity.

Welcome to the Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy Page.

This page has been set up to ask the Harrow community what they would like to see Neighbourhood Infrastructure funds spent on, through our interactive map.

The Council has set up a new system to ensure that the community has a say on the local infrastructure projects that are funded through developer contributions.

The survey is now closed. Results from this survey are now with Ward Councillors for consideration. If you would like further information, please contact

Where does the funding come from?

The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is essentially a form of taxation on new development that is used to fund infrastructure in the borough. It is typically collected as a payment from developers.

Neighbourhood CIL accounts for 15% of overall contributions, this is used to fund smaller localised infrastructure projects. This is then split further into a Ward fund (10%) to be spent by individual wards in the borough, and a Central fund (5%) which is open to all council wards to bid for additional funding. We need your help to nominate worthwhile local projects that NCIL should be spent on.

What kind of projects can the funding be spent on?

NCIL must be used to support the development of the local area by funding the provision, improvement, replacement, operation, or maintenance of infrastructure.

NCIL can be spent on a wide range of projects that meet the following criteria:

1. Meet the CIL Regulations ‘to support the development’ of an area through:

a. the provision, improvement, replacement, operation, or maintenance of infrastructure; or

b. anything else that is concerned with addressing the demands that development places on an area.

2. Aligns with a priority within the Corporate Plan.

3. Will make a significant contribution to a Ward or across Wards that share a boundary.

4. Offers value for money.

Examples of projects include:

  • Public realm improvements (public green walls, meeting places, art installations, feature lighting, street furniture, bins or recycling stations, landscaping, pedestrian safety improvements)
  • Safety improvements (Lighting upgrades, measures to reduce anti-social behaviour)
  • Green space improvements (parklets, hanging baskets/planters, park shelters, playgrounds, Sport pitches and courts upgrades, tree planting, community gardens, games areas, inclusive play spaces, sport pitch changing rooms)
  • Bike parking, cycle route improvements, bike servicing stations,
  • All abilities or accessibility upgrades to public buildings or the public realm
  • Community centre repairs or upgrades
  • Youth after-school weekend projects or programmes
  • Library of things (
  • Health and wellbeing programmes
  • Net-Zero carbon improvements
  • Community activities that bring people together for common aims, and to provide overall community development services.

Additional project ideas can be found in the documents tab.

How do I get involved?

Using the mapping feature on this page, please drop a pin in a location where a local infrastructure project could be undertaken. Tell us a bit about the proposed project including:

  • What is the project? (i.e Tree planting along this high street)
  • Why is the project needed? (i.e There is a lack of existing trees)

These project suggestions will then be provided to the relevant ward councillors for consideration for funding from their Ward NCIL fund, or for larger projects, from the Central NCIL funds. These ideas will be presented to ward councillors throughout November with bids for projects being considered in early December.

This page only seeks suggestions for potential projects and does not mean projects will be funded.

If you have any questions about this project or CIL funding, please contact the council on

Alternatively, you may contact your ward councillor to discuss potential projects.

* CIL payments are split into two pots, Borough CIL (BCIL) which accounts for 85% of the contributions, this is spent on big infrastructure projects that ensure we have enough, roads, drainage, schools, health care, community facilities and open space / biodiversity.

Page last updated: 16 Jan 2024, 11:21 AM