(CLOSED) Northumberland Road Area 20mph Zone Scheme
Consultation has concluded
Welcome to the Northumberland Road Area 20mph Zone Scheme engagement page.
London Borough of Harrow's engagement on traffic calming measures in the Northumberland Road area will run for seven weeks from 6th September to 17th October 2024.
The roads affected by the proposed scheme include: Chester Drive, Church Drive, Grove Road, Lancaster Road, Lincoln Close, Lincoln Road, Mount Drive, Northumberland Road, Suffolk Road, and The Ridgeway.
London Borough of Harrow works closely with Transport for London (TfL) to improve road safety. This includes investigating road traffic collisions and making improvements to the road network where it is considered necessary.
Vulnerable road users such as pedestrians (particularly children and the elderly), cyclists and motorcyclists are over-represented in road user casualties within the borough. By reducing vehicle speeds to 20mph, specifically in residential areas and near schools, the council believes that not only will casualties be reduced but, more people may be encouraged to cycle or walk as opposed to relying on the car.
We have developed two similar schemes which would involve installing physical measures, aimed at slowing down traffic and reducing the speed limit to 20mph. Ward Councillors have reviewed the plans and we are now asking the public for their opinion.
The schemes have been designed with the aim of:
- Reducing the risk of personal injury collisions by the reduction in vehicle speeds;
- Improving pedestrian and cycle safety;
- Encouraging walking and cycling; and,
- Discourage rat-running through the area.
The aims of this consultation are to:
Inform the community and build awareness of the purpose and potential implications of implementing traffic calming measures in the Northumberland Road area;
Undertake consultation in the Northumberland Road area that is meaningful, inclusive and transparent to understand the community's views on potential traffic issues;
Use that feedback to inform any appropriate changes to the proposals;
To let the community know that we have listened and acted on the information they have provided.
Scheme Proposals:
The council is proposing to introduce a 20mph zone in your area and we are now seeking your views on these proposals. The two options with accompanying plans may be viewed below.
You can also respond saying either option, or no option (do nothing) in the survey below.
- 20mph Roundels - These are a form of road marking symbol used to remind drivers of the speed limit. They are used where it is difficult to locate physical traffic calming measures.
- Speed Cushions - These are traffic calming features used to reduce the speed of vehicles. They are narrow enough to allow a wide wheel-based vehicle such as a fire engine or ambulance to pass relatively unhindered. A smaller wheelbase vehicle, such as a car, would have to have at least one set of wheels on some part of the cushion, thereby forcing the driver to reduce their speed.
- Raised Junction / Entry Treatment - These features are a raised section of road, with a ramp on both sides. This reduces traffic speed whilst providing a level area at the top of the ramp, where it is more convenient for pedestrians to cross the carriageway.
Option 2 - Sinusoidal full-width Humps:
This option includes everything listed under Option 1 above, but with the substitution of Speed Cushions with Sinusoidal Humps.
Sinusoidal Humps - Sinusoidal speed humps are similar to traditional round top humps but have an initial shallower rise. These humps reduce traffic speeds in the same way that a traditional round top hump would, whilst reducing discomfort to cyclists and bus passengers. These type of humps span across the entire width of the carriageway.
What about the emergency services – police, fire, ambulance etc.?
The emergency services, along with other interested parties, are consulted individually for their opinion and views on the proposals.
What happens next?
All the responses received will be analysed and presented firstly to the relevant local ward councillors for feedback, and then to the Portfolio Holder for Finance & Highways, who will make the final decision on the scheme. If appropriate, modifications may be made to the scheme proposals. If the scheme is approved, the construction works will start Winter 2024/Spring 2025, subject to contractor’s availability and weather conditions.
How to get involved
Let us know your views by filling out the Survey below.
If you require further clarification on the proposals, please email transportation@harrow.gov.uk