(CLOSED) Old Church Lane Traffic Scheme

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Consultation has concluded

Welcome to the Old Church Lane Traffic Scheme engagement page.

London Borough of Harrow's engagement on traffic measures in Old Church Lane, Stanmore will run for six weeks from 13th October to 23rd November 2023.


London Borough of Harrow works closely with Transport for London (TfL) to improve road safety. This includes investigating road traffic collisions and making improvements to the road network where it is considered necessary.

Vulnerable road users such as pedestrians (particularly children and the elderly), cyclists and motorcyclists are over-represented in road user casualties within the borough.

Stanmore College contacted London Borough of Harrow to raise some safety concerns relating to the operation of Old Church Lane in the vicinity of the college.

An independent transport consultant has been commissioned to design a scheme with the aim of addressing the following concerns:

  • The safety of pedestrians crossing Old Church Lane outside Stanmore College;
  • Congestion on the footways at drop off / pick up times;
  • Issues with vehicles stopping on Old Church Lane outside Stanmore College at drop off / pick up times;
  • High vehicle speeds along Old Church Lane, especially near September Way and Gordon Avenue; and,
  • Pedestrian safety when crossing Old Church Lane due to the limited visibility at the bend in Old Church Lane near Gordon Avenue.

The roads affected by the scheme include Old Church Lane, Gordon Avenue and September Way.

The aims of this consultation are to:

Inform the community and build awareness of the purpose and potential implications of implementing traffic measures in Old Church Lane;

Undertake consultation on Old Church Lane that is meaningful, inclusive and transparent to understand the communities views on potential traffic issues;

Use that feedback to inform any appropriate changes to the proposals;

To let the community know that we have listened and acted on the information they have provided.

Scheme Proposals:

These are shown on the Consultation Plan and include the following:

  1. Zebra Crossing - Zebra crossings are formal crossings where the pedestrian is given legal priority over vehicles without the use of traffic signal controls. Pedestrians should only have to wait for a very short period of time to cross the road. The first car to see the pedestrian that can stop safely should stop and let the pedestrian cross.
  2. Stanmore College Vehicle Access - To tie into the future Stanmore College development proposals, the vehicle exit of the college is to be changed from a priority junction layout to a proposed vehicle crossover (dropped kerb layout).
  3. Extended Footways - The existing pedestrian refuges at both junctions of Gordon Avenue with Old Church Lane are proposed to be widened and the footways built out. This aims to reduce vehicle speeds entering and exiting the junctions, will reduce pedestrian crossing distances and will provide more space for pedestrians waiting on the refuge. At the September Way junction, the footways are proposed to be built out to reduce the speed of vehicles entering and exiting the junction, reduce pedestrian crossing distances and aims to discourage unsafe vehicle movements and parking at the junction.

What about the emergency services – police, fire, ambulance etc.?

The emergency services, along with other interested parties, are consulted individually for their opinion and views on the proposals.

What happens next?

All the responses received will be analysed and presented firstly to the relevant local ward councillors for feedback, and then to the Portfolio Holder for Highways, Infrastructure and Community Safety, who will make the final decision on the scheme. If appropriate, modifications may be made to the scheme proposals. If the scheme is approved, the construction works will start Spring 2024, subject to contractor’s availability and weather conditions.

How to get involved

Let us know your views by filling out the Survey below.

If you require further clarification on the proposals, please email transportation@harrow.gov.uk

Welcome to the Old Church Lane Traffic Scheme engagement page.

London Borough of Harrow's engagement on traffic measures in Old Church Lane, Stanmore will run for six weeks from 13th October to 23rd November 2023.


London Borough of Harrow works closely with Transport for London (TfL) to improve road safety. This includes investigating road traffic collisions and making improvements to the road network where it is considered necessary.

Vulnerable road users such as pedestrians (particularly children and the elderly), cyclists and motorcyclists are over-represented in road user casualties within the borough.

Stanmore College contacted London Borough of Harrow to raise some safety concerns relating to the operation of Old Church Lane in the vicinity of the college.

An independent transport consultant has been commissioned to design a scheme with the aim of addressing the following concerns:

  • The safety of pedestrians crossing Old Church Lane outside Stanmore College;
  • Congestion on the footways at drop off / pick up times;
  • Issues with vehicles stopping on Old Church Lane outside Stanmore College at drop off / pick up times;
  • High vehicle speeds along Old Church Lane, especially near September Way and Gordon Avenue; and,
  • Pedestrian safety when crossing Old Church Lane due to the limited visibility at the bend in Old Church Lane near Gordon Avenue.

The roads affected by the scheme include Old Church Lane, Gordon Avenue and September Way.

The aims of this consultation are to:

Inform the community and build awareness of the purpose and potential implications of implementing traffic measures in Old Church Lane;

Undertake consultation on Old Church Lane that is meaningful, inclusive and transparent to understand the communities views on potential traffic issues;

Use that feedback to inform any appropriate changes to the proposals;

To let the community know that we have listened and acted on the information they have provided.

Scheme Proposals:

These are shown on the Consultation Plan and include the following:

  1. Zebra Crossing - Zebra crossings are formal crossings where the pedestrian is given legal priority over vehicles without the use of traffic signal controls. Pedestrians should only have to wait for a very short period of time to cross the road. The first car to see the pedestrian that can stop safely should stop and let the pedestrian cross.
  2. Stanmore College Vehicle Access - To tie into the future Stanmore College development proposals, the vehicle exit of the college is to be changed from a priority junction layout to a proposed vehicle crossover (dropped kerb layout).
  3. Extended Footways - The existing pedestrian refuges at both junctions of Gordon Avenue with Old Church Lane are proposed to be widened and the footways built out. This aims to reduce vehicle speeds entering and exiting the junctions, will reduce pedestrian crossing distances and will provide more space for pedestrians waiting on the refuge. At the September Way junction, the footways are proposed to be built out to reduce the speed of vehicles entering and exiting the junction, reduce pedestrian crossing distances and aims to discourage unsafe vehicle movements and parking at the junction.

What about the emergency services – police, fire, ambulance etc.?

The emergency services, along with other interested parties, are consulted individually for their opinion and views on the proposals.

What happens next?

All the responses received will be analysed and presented firstly to the relevant local ward councillors for feedback, and then to the Portfolio Holder for Highways, Infrastructure and Community Safety, who will make the final decision on the scheme. If appropriate, modifications may be made to the scheme proposals. If the scheme is approved, the construction works will start Spring 2024, subject to contractor’s availability and weather conditions.

How to get involved

Let us know your views by filling out the Survey below.

If you require further clarification on the proposals, please email transportation@harrow.gov.uk

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
    Consultation has concluded
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