School Streets Frequently Asked Questions

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What are School Streets?

School Streets are timed closures on streets near or around schools at drop-off and pick-up times, during the school term. They help to prioritise pedestrians and cyclists, encouraging walking and cycling to and from school.

Are there any School Streets in Harrow?

We have three School Streets in the borough at Grimsdyke Primary School, Newton Farm Nursery, Infant and Junior School and Park High School.

The School Streets were introduced on a trial basis in September 2020, using an Experimental Traffic Regulation Order (ETRO). Residents, businesses, parent/carers and the schools provided feedback on the School Streets during the trial period and traffic monitoring studies were undertaken. In February 2022 the schemes were made permanent.

For more information view Existing School Streets.

How do School Streets work?

School Street restrictions operate during School term times only. Each School Street has its own operational times during drop-off and pick up times.

Vehicles are not allowed to enter a School Street during operational hours unless they have a valid permit.

People who live or own a business inside the School Street would be able to apply for a free virtual permit for their vehicles. If your household or business has more than one vehicle, you would need to apply for a permit for each.

No one needs a permit to drive out of a School Street - for example if you were already parked in the street before the operational hours came into effect.

School Streets would remain open to people walking, cycling and scooting.

Emergency vehicles always have access to School Streets.

Who would be eligible for a free virtual permit?

If the School Street proposal goes ahead, the following groups would be eligible for a free virtual permit and can travel through the School Street zone during operational hours:

  • Residents and businesses (including those with a Blue Badge) located within the School Street Zone

  • Carers providing support to residents in the School Street Zone

  • Blue Badge Holders accessing the school

  • Vehicles used to transport pupils with Special Educational Needs, disabilities or limited mobility

  • Emergency vehicles

  • Council waste collection vehicles

  • Vehicles operated by statutory services (e.g. Royal Mail, water and gas companies)

  • Certain staff at the school (requires written authorisation from the school)

Who would not be eligible for an exemption/permit?

The following groups/vehicles would not be eligible for an exemption/permit. They would not be able to travel through the School Street zone during the operational times:

  • Tradespeople

  • Contractors

  • Visitors

  • Parents/carers of children at the school

  • Delivery Drivers

In exceptional cases, the council will consider granting special exemptions on a case-by-case basis.

How are school streets enforced? 

The School Street restrictions would be displayed on signs at all relevant junctions at entry and exit points in the restricted zone.  

The scheme would be enforced by Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) cameras. The cameras read number plates of vehicles driving through the School Street, during the restricted hours, checking them against our database of virtual permits. 

A Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) would be issued to the owner of any vehicle that enters the school street zone during restricted times, that isn’t exempt. 

How are School Streets introduced?

New School Streets are initially introduced on a trial basis through an Experimental Traffic Regulation Order. Experimental traffic orders are operational for up to 18 months and feedback and monitoring is carried out during the initial six-month period. 

Engagement captured in the first six months after a scheme has launched is used to assess how each School Street is working. These comments would be taken into consideration when deciding whether to make the schemes permanent. 

How is a School Street trial monitored?

During the six-month engagement period, a new School Street would be monitored through analysis of vehicle and pedestrian/cycle movements, accident data, on-site monitoring, school travel data and air quality monitoring.

How do you apply for the virtual permit?

The application process is via the council website. If a School Street trial went ahead, we would write to notify you of the scheme details and how you could apply for the free virtual permit.

Eligibility and Access Questions

What happens if I do not apply for an exemption?

If you drive through a school street during operating hours without a valid exemption, you may receive a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN). 

What if I’m already parked in the School Street when it comes into operation? 

All vehicles already parked within the School Street closure zone before the times of operation can exit at any time. 

Can a School Street permit guarantee me a parking space outside my house?

No, a School Street exemption allows you to enter the School Street zone during the restricted times.   

What if a child needs to be transported to school in a vehicle for safeguarding and/or welfare reasons? 

Arrangements will be made at each school to ensure that those children having specific travel needs e.g. disabilities or Special Educational Needs, are still able to be safely transported by their parents or carers to school. 

I have a family member/friend/ child minder who sometimes picks up my child from school and looks after my child until I get home from work. Will they be able to apply for an exemption? 

No, they would not qualify for a permit. A carer is anyone, including children and adults, who look after a family member, partner or friend. The rules concerning a person providing childcare are similar to those of a childminder. They will not be eligible to apply regardless of whether it’s a family member or a paid person/organisation. 

What about deliveries? 

We ask that deliveries are scheduled outside the School Street restriction times. They will not be exempt from the scheme. 

What if builders need access to my property? 

We ask that builders and other tradespeople enter the School Street zone outside the operational times. Once they are parked inside the School Street zone, they can leave whenever they need to.

What if I am expecting visitors during the restricted hours? 

Visitors cannot enter the School Street zone during the operational hours. We ask that they park their vehicle outside the School Street area. 

What are School Streets?

School Streets are timed closures on streets near or around schools at drop-off and pick-up times, during the school term. They help to prioritise pedestrians and cyclists, encouraging walking and cycling to and from school.

Are there any School Streets in Harrow?

We have three School Streets in the borough at Grimsdyke Primary School, Newton Farm Nursery, Infant and Junior School and Park High School.

The School Streets were introduced on a trial basis in September 2020, using an Experimental Traffic Regulation Order (ETRO). Residents, businesses, parent/carers and the schools provided feedback on the School Streets during the trial period and traffic monitoring studies were undertaken. In February 2022 the schemes were made permanent.

For more information view Existing School Streets.

How do School Streets work?

School Street restrictions operate during School term times only. Each School Street has its own operational times during drop-off and pick up times.

Vehicles are not allowed to enter a School Street during operational hours unless they have a valid permit.

People who live or own a business inside the School Street would be able to apply for a free virtual permit for their vehicles. If your household or business has more than one vehicle, you would need to apply for a permit for each.

No one needs a permit to drive out of a School Street - for example if you were already parked in the street before the operational hours came into effect.

School Streets would remain open to people walking, cycling and scooting.

Emergency vehicles always have access to School Streets.

Who would be eligible for a free virtual permit?

If the School Street proposal goes ahead, the following groups would be eligible for a free virtual permit and can travel through the School Street zone during operational hours:

  • Residents and businesses (including those with a Blue Badge) located within the School Street Zone

  • Carers providing support to residents in the School Street Zone

  • Blue Badge Holders accessing the school

  • Vehicles used to transport pupils with Special Educational Needs, disabilities or limited mobility

  • Emergency vehicles

  • Council waste collection vehicles

  • Vehicles operated by statutory services (e.g. Royal Mail, water and gas companies)

  • Certain staff at the school (requires written authorisation from the school)

Who would not be eligible for an exemption/permit?

The following groups/vehicles would not be eligible for an exemption/permit. They would not be able to travel through the School Street zone during the operational times:

  • Tradespeople

  • Contractors

  • Visitors

  • Parents/carers of children at the school

  • Delivery Drivers

In exceptional cases, the council will consider granting special exemptions on a case-by-case basis.

How are school streets enforced? 

The School Street restrictions would be displayed on signs at all relevant junctions at entry and exit points in the restricted zone.  

The scheme would be enforced by Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) cameras. The cameras read number plates of vehicles driving through the School Street, during the restricted hours, checking them against our database of virtual permits. 

A Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) would be issued to the owner of any vehicle that enters the school street zone during restricted times, that isn’t exempt. 

How are School Streets introduced?

New School Streets are initially introduced on a trial basis through an Experimental Traffic Regulation Order. Experimental traffic orders are operational for up to 18 months and feedback and monitoring is carried out during the initial six-month period. 

Engagement captured in the first six months after a scheme has launched is used to assess how each School Street is working. These comments would be taken into consideration when deciding whether to make the schemes permanent. 

How is a School Street trial monitored?

During the six-month engagement period, a new School Street would be monitored through analysis of vehicle and pedestrian/cycle movements, accident data, on-site monitoring, school travel data and air quality monitoring.

How do you apply for the virtual permit?

The application process is via the council website. If a School Street trial went ahead, we would write to notify you of the scheme details and how you could apply for the free virtual permit.

Eligibility and Access Questions

What happens if I do not apply for an exemption?

If you drive through a school street during operating hours without a valid exemption, you may receive a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN). 

What if I’m already parked in the School Street when it comes into operation? 

All vehicles already parked within the School Street closure zone before the times of operation can exit at any time. 

Can a School Street permit guarantee me a parking space outside my house?

No, a School Street exemption allows you to enter the School Street zone during the restricted times.   

What if a child needs to be transported to school in a vehicle for safeguarding and/or welfare reasons? 

Arrangements will be made at each school to ensure that those children having specific travel needs e.g. disabilities or Special Educational Needs, are still able to be safely transported by their parents or carers to school. 

I have a family member/friend/ child minder who sometimes picks up my child from school and looks after my child until I get home from work. Will they be able to apply for an exemption? 

No, they would not qualify for a permit. A carer is anyone, including children and adults, who look after a family member, partner or friend. The rules concerning a person providing childcare are similar to those of a childminder. They will not be eligible to apply regardless of whether it’s a family member or a paid person/organisation. 

What about deliveries? 

We ask that deliveries are scheduled outside the School Street restriction times. They will not be exempt from the scheme. 

What if builders need access to my property? 

We ask that builders and other tradespeople enter the School Street zone outside the operational times. Once they are parked inside the School Street zone, they can leave whenever they need to.

What if I am expecting visitors during the restricted hours? 

Visitors cannot enter the School Street zone during the operational hours. We ask that they park their vehicle outside the School Street area. 

Page last updated: 12 Feb 2025, 10:22 AM