Why are you asking our views?

    The current Special Educational Needs and Disability Strategy (‘SEND Strategy’) is coming to an end and we are seeking your views to make sure that the new SEND and Alternative Provision Strategy will focus on the right things.  We have met a range of parents and professionals who have given their views, but we want to make sure as many people as possible have the chance to tell us what is important to them.

    Who is this survey for?

    The survey is for children and young people with SEND or who attend Alternative Provision, their families and the professionals who support them.

    What is the SEND Strategy?

    Harrow’s SEND and AP strategy is a document which describes the local area’s shared vision for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities and which sets out the key priorities for action in the next 5 years.

    How have you publicised this survey?

    We have sent this survey to every school, college and preschool in Harrow.  We have also shared the link with schools in other Las who have Harrow students with EHCPs. It has been shared with colleagues in health and social care and they will circulate to families.  The parent carer forum and SENDIASS are also sending information to their families.  It will appear on the council website, in MyHarrow News and council social media.