(CLOSED) Statement of Community Involvement

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Welcome to the Harrow Statement of Community Involvement engagement page.

Harrow Council's consultation on the Statement of Community Involvement ran for 21 days from 31 July - 21 August 2023. This consultation has now concluded.

A report detailing the findings of this consultation will be posted to the Documents Tab of this page.

This page has been set up to provide the community with information on the updated Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) including timelines, frequently asked questions, useful documents and relevant links. We would like the community to have their say on the document.

Public consultation on the draft SCI will run for a period of 21 days from the 31 July – 21 August 2023.

What is a Statement of Community Involvement?

Section 18 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act (2004) requires local planning authorities to prepare a Statement of Community Involvement (SCI).

The SCI is a statutory document that sets out how the Council intends to involve the community in the planning process and engage with local residents, businesses and other interested parties when developing and reviewing planning documents (such as new Harrow Local Plan currently being prepared) and determining planning applications.

Harrow’s existing SCI was adopted in 2012 following public consultation.

What changes have been made to the SCI in this update?

The updated SCI largely follows the same format as the existing version, however the following changes to its content have been made:

  • Updates to online consultation methods (MyHarrow Talk page, etc).
  • Introduction of extenuating circumstances context paragraph (what we will do in a situation like the Covid-19 pandemic if we are unable to consult in person).
  • Updated names of statutory consultees and links to webpages.
  • Changes to Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy (NCIL) Consultation.
  • Ward Members to be consulted on all types of Major Planning applications (10+ units).

Why are we consulting?

Consultation on the updated SCI is not legally required, however it is good practice to involve the community in the adoption of statutory documents. The London Borough of Harrow has historically consulted on updates to the SCI and therefore a precedent for consultation on this document has been set.

How to get involved.

We encourage you to read through the updated SCI and have your say on the proposed document by taking the survey.

Alternatively, you can submit a written response to LDF@harrow.gov.uk

Welcome to the Harrow Statement of Community Involvement engagement page.

Harrow Council's consultation on the Statement of Community Involvement ran for 21 days from 31 July - 21 August 2023. This consultation has now concluded.

A report detailing the findings of this consultation will be posted to the Documents Tab of this page.

This page has been set up to provide the community with information on the updated Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) including timelines, frequently asked questions, useful documents and relevant links. We would like the community to have their say on the document.

Public consultation on the draft SCI will run for a period of 21 days from the 31 July – 21 August 2023.

What is a Statement of Community Involvement?

Section 18 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act (2004) requires local planning authorities to prepare a Statement of Community Involvement (SCI).

The SCI is a statutory document that sets out how the Council intends to involve the community in the planning process and engage with local residents, businesses and other interested parties when developing and reviewing planning documents (such as new Harrow Local Plan currently being prepared) and determining planning applications.

Harrow’s existing SCI was adopted in 2012 following public consultation.

What changes have been made to the SCI in this update?

The updated SCI largely follows the same format as the existing version, however the following changes to its content have been made:

  • Updates to online consultation methods (MyHarrow Talk page, etc).
  • Introduction of extenuating circumstances context paragraph (what we will do in a situation like the Covid-19 pandemic if we are unable to consult in person).
  • Updated names of statutory consultees and links to webpages.
  • Changes to Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy (NCIL) Consultation.
  • Ward Members to be consulted on all types of Major Planning applications (10+ units).

Why are we consulting?

Consultation on the updated SCI is not legally required, however it is good practice to involve the community in the adoption of statutory documents. The London Borough of Harrow has historically consulted on updates to the SCI and therefore a precedent for consultation on this document has been set.

How to get involved.

We encourage you to read through the updated SCI and have your say on the proposed document by taking the survey.

Alternatively, you can submit a written response to LDF@harrow.gov.uk

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Thank you for taking the time to view Harrow’s updated Statement of Community Involvement (SCI). Your thoughts, views, ideas and comments on the updated SCI are important in shaping the final document. 

    The following survey has 6 questions to complete. Please save each question you have answered before moving onto the next question. 

    To ensure personal information about you is secure, your answers will be treated in the strictest confidence and will be stored securely in line with GDPR requirements.

    Thank you for your time – your participation in this important consultation is greatly appreciated.

    Data Protection

    You will be required to register with MyHarrow Talk to complete the survey. The council does not collect personal information in this questionnaire which means the information you provide is anonymous. We do not ask for your name, address, email address, telephone number, full post code or any other information that would allow us to identify you. The information you choose to give us in the equalities questions is also anonymous so we cannot identify you from it.

    Please be assured all your answers will be stored in accordance with our responsibilities under the Data Protection Act 2018.

    You can read more about Harrow's privacy statement here: https://www.harrow.gov.uk/council/data-protection/2

    If you have any questions about this statement, please email LDF@harrow.gov.uk

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Page last updated: 16 Oct 2023, 02:52 PM