(Closed) Air Quality Action Plan

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Welcome to the Air Quality Action Plan (AQAP) (2025 - 2030) engagement page.

London Borough of Harrow's engagement on its AQAP will run from 04 November 2024 to 23:59 on 25 January 2025.


Air pollution is the largest environmental risk to health in the UK. It is the fourth ranking threat to public health after cancer, heart disease and obesity. The health effects of exposure to air pollution are wide ranging and can affect everyone.

Exposure to air pollution can particularly affect vulnerable groups such as children and the elderly.

There is evidence that exposure to air pollution can:

  • lead to or worsen asthma
  • result in poor lung development in children
  • contribute to diabetes, dementia and worsening mental health.

In January 2002 as part of our Statutory duties, London Borough of Harrow declared the whole of the borough an Air Quality Management Area (AQMA). This followed a review and assessment of air quality within the borough that predicted two pollutants, particulate matter (PM10) and nitrogen dioxide (N02) were likely to exceed national objectives.

When an AQMA is declared, local authorities are obliged to produce an Air Quality Action Plan (AQAP). The AQAP outlines how the local authority will work to reduce levels of air pollution.

Why are we consulting with residents and businesses?

There are many pollutants which contribute to poor air quality, and these pollutants comes from a wide range of sources. As a result, actions in the AQAP will cover many areas of the Council's work. For example, transport, parking, pollution control , planning, housing schools and procurement.

Many people will be affected by the actions that we take to reduce air pollution.

We would be interested in hearing from those who may be affected by - or who have an interest in- the actions we take to improve air quality.

The aims of this consultation are to:

  • Inform the community and build awareness of the purpose and potential implications of the AQAP;
  • Undertake consultation on the action plan that is meaningful, inclusive and transparent to understand the community's views on air quality;
  • Use that feedback to inform any appropriate changes to the AQAP;
  • Feed back to the community to let them know that we have listened and acted on the information they have provided.
  • You may also be interested in our consultation on our Smoke Control Order (link to be inserted

What does the Action Plan say?

The AQAP sets out actions under seven main themes:

  1. Air Quality Monitoring and other Core Statutory Duties: maintaining our monitoring network is critical for understanding where pollution is most acute, and what measures are effective to reduce pollution. There are also a range of other important statutory duties undertaken by Harrow, which form the basis of action to reduce pollution.
  2. Reducing Emissions from Developments and Buildings: emissions from buildings account for about 30% of the NOX emissions in Harrow and about 15% across London so are an important source to tackle NO2 concentrations.
  3. Public Health and Awareness Raising: increasing awareness can drive behavioural change to lower emissions as well as to reduce exposure to air pollution.
  4. Delivery Servicing and Freight: vehicles delivering goods and services are usually light and heavy duty diesel-fuelled vehicles with high primary NO2 emissions.
  5. Reducing Emissions from the Council Fleet: our fleet includes light and heavy duty diesel-fuelled vehicles such as mini buses and refuse collection vehicles with high primary NO2 emissions. Improving our own fleet means leading by example.
  6. Localised Solutions: these seek to improve the environment of neighbourhoods through a combination of measures.
  7. Cleaner Transport: road transport is the main source of air pollution in Harrow and London. We need to effect change to walking, cycling and the use of zero and ultra-low emission vehicles.

How to get involved

How can I find out more?

Drop in events - we will be running the following two drop in events:

  • Tuesday 19 November 2024, 10am-2pm at Conversation Café, St Peter's Church, Colbeck Road, West Harrow, HA1 4BX
  • Thursday 21 November 2024, 10:30am-1:30pm at Conversation Café, Red Brick Café, Wealdstone Centre, 38 – 40 High Street, HA3 7AE
  • Thursday 28 November 2024, Harrow Town Centre by Katie's Statue, St Anns Road

What happens after the consultation?

The AQAP will be refreshed and updated taking account the feedback from this consultation and will be taken back to Cabinet for adoption.

Welcome to the Air Quality Action Plan (AQAP) (2025 - 2030) engagement page.

London Borough of Harrow's engagement on its AQAP will run from 04 November 2024 to 23:59 on 25 January 2025.


Air pollution is the largest environmental risk to health in the UK. It is the fourth ranking threat to public health after cancer, heart disease and obesity. The health effects of exposure to air pollution are wide ranging and can affect everyone.

Exposure to air pollution can particularly affect vulnerable groups such as children and the elderly.

There is evidence that exposure to air pollution can:

  • lead to or worsen asthma
  • result in poor lung development in children
  • contribute to diabetes, dementia and worsening mental health.

In January 2002 as part of our Statutory duties, London Borough of Harrow declared the whole of the borough an Air Quality Management Area (AQMA). This followed a review and assessment of air quality within the borough that predicted two pollutants, particulate matter (PM10) and nitrogen dioxide (N02) were likely to exceed national objectives.

When an AQMA is declared, local authorities are obliged to produce an Air Quality Action Plan (AQAP). The AQAP outlines how the local authority will work to reduce levels of air pollution.

Why are we consulting with residents and businesses?

There are many pollutants which contribute to poor air quality, and these pollutants comes from a wide range of sources. As a result, actions in the AQAP will cover many areas of the Council's work. For example, transport, parking, pollution control , planning, housing schools and procurement.

Many people will be affected by the actions that we take to reduce air pollution.

We would be interested in hearing from those who may be affected by - or who have an interest in- the actions we take to improve air quality.

The aims of this consultation are to:

  • Inform the community and build awareness of the purpose and potential implications of the AQAP;
  • Undertake consultation on the action plan that is meaningful, inclusive and transparent to understand the community's views on air quality;
  • Use that feedback to inform any appropriate changes to the AQAP;
  • Feed back to the community to let them know that we have listened and acted on the information they have provided.
  • You may also be interested in our consultation on our Smoke Control Order (link to be inserted

What does the Action Plan say?

The AQAP sets out actions under seven main themes:

  1. Air Quality Monitoring and other Core Statutory Duties: maintaining our monitoring network is critical for understanding where pollution is most acute, and what measures are effective to reduce pollution. There are also a range of other important statutory duties undertaken by Harrow, which form the basis of action to reduce pollution.
  2. Reducing Emissions from Developments and Buildings: emissions from buildings account for about 30% of the NOX emissions in Harrow and about 15% across London so are an important source to tackle NO2 concentrations.
  3. Public Health and Awareness Raising: increasing awareness can drive behavioural change to lower emissions as well as to reduce exposure to air pollution.
  4. Delivery Servicing and Freight: vehicles delivering goods and services are usually light and heavy duty diesel-fuelled vehicles with high primary NO2 emissions.
  5. Reducing Emissions from the Council Fleet: our fleet includes light and heavy duty diesel-fuelled vehicles such as mini buses and refuse collection vehicles with high primary NO2 emissions. Improving our own fleet means leading by example.
  6. Localised Solutions: these seek to improve the environment of neighbourhoods through a combination of measures.
  7. Cleaner Transport: road transport is the main source of air pollution in Harrow and London. We need to effect change to walking, cycling and the use of zero and ultra-low emission vehicles.

How to get involved

How can I find out more?

Drop in events - we will be running the following two drop in events:

  • Tuesday 19 November 2024, 10am-2pm at Conversation Café, St Peter's Church, Colbeck Road, West Harrow, HA1 4BX
  • Thursday 21 November 2024, 10:30am-1:30pm at Conversation Café, Red Brick Café, Wealdstone Centre, 38 – 40 High Street, HA3 7AE
  • Thursday 28 November 2024, Harrow Town Centre by Katie's Statue, St Anns Road

What happens after the consultation?

The AQAP will be refreshed and updated taking account the feedback from this consultation and will be taken back to Cabinet for adoption.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
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Page last updated: 27 Jan 2025, 10:57 AM