How can I check my surface water flood risk?

    You can check your flood risk via the council website: flood advice page.

    You can also check for flooding here.

    Who do I report flooding to?

    Information about who to report flooding to can be found on the council website.

    Surface water flooding should be reported to the council via the Report Flooding webpage.

    Why has Beatty Road been selected as one of the AfSS project sites?

    Beatty Road has been selected as the Stanmore area is within the Silk Stream catchment and the area has experienced flooding. Many properties around Beatty Road and those downstream face medium-high surface water flood risk. The green provides a good area in which to make space for water through the creation of a flood storage basin.

    What are the benefits of this project?

    As well as flood risk benefits the project will provide environmental, education and health benefits, more parking spaces and prevent cars parking on, and damaging the soft areas which will make it safer for children to play.

    We have never had any flooding at our property, so why create the basin here?

    The Flood Zone maps that have been computer modelled show that you are at risk and whilst you may not have experienced flooding in your lifetime, it is becoming ever increasingly likely this area will flood with climate change.

    I don’t feel I am at risk of surface water flooding

    Surface water flooding affects us all. Providing your support for the scheme would enable the project to progress and the basin would reduce the amount of rainwater runoff in your road and downstream reducing the risk of flooding.

    How can I get involved or provide feedback?

    The first way to get involved is to complete the survey. You are also welcome to attend the drop-in session in the green to ask any questions and hold discussions with the project team.

    Your feedback is valuable and encouraged.

    If you would like to get involved in the Action for Silk Stream project you can sign up to the mailing list.

    Will I have to contribute financially towards the scheme?

    No, the council has secured external funding for the scheme as part of the Action for Silk Stream project.

    How would this project impact residents?

    If this project were to go ahead, some temporary disruptions would be expected during construction, but we are committed to minimising these and would provide timely information to residents about this closer to the time of construction.

    Would my driveway still be accessible?

    We would work with the contractors to ensure access to your property is maintained during the works.

    Who would manage the works?

    The Council’s Flood Risk Manager would be responsible for managing the contractors completing the works.

    How much of the green space would the SuDS take up?

    It is envisaged that the SuDS would take up 50% of the space. It should be noted that this area would still be green and would provide new habitat for wildlife.

    How many permeable car parking spaces would be created and would they have residents parking restrictions on them?

    Eight permeable geogrid car parking spaces would be provided around the edge of the green. These new spaces would not have residents parking restrictions on them.

    How would you prevent continued parking on the green?

    We would construct vehicle incursion measures that would be double height kerb, boulder edging, earth bunds and posts.

    How many trees would be removed / planted?

    Seven immature trees would need to be either relocated or replaced to incorporate the SuDS. No additional trees are proposed to be planted but the scheme would include new aquatic planting.

    Would the footpaths and road be repaired?

    No, the funding for this project is for flood resilience purposes only, therefore it would not extend to highway or footpath improvements around the green.

    Will you build a playground on the green space too?

    No, this is a flood resilience project.

    What are the timescales?

    The project would be delivered in three key phases, timescales are on the website. It is envisaged that construction would take place across spring and summer 2026 – this is, however, subject to change.

    Who would maintain the SuDS on completion?

    The council’s Infrastructure team would regularly inspect and manage the pipes and screens. The grassy areas would be managed as they are currently, by housing/estates ground maintenance teams.

    Who do I contact?

    Please send enquiries about this project to: