Why are you reconsulting?

    Why are you undertaking a further consultation?

    Our 2023 consultation received 585 responses.

    In relation to proposed whole borough generic dog restrictions 489 agreed with the proposals as compared to 42 who disagreed (25 people did not know whether they agreed or disagreed).  

    In relations to proposed dog control measures in all Parks & Green Spaces (including Bentley Priory) 420 agreed with restrictions in relation to dog control, 90 disagreed and 38 did not know.

    When asked specifically in relation to the proposal of dogs on leads within Bentley Priory 332 agreed, 113 disagreed and 100 did not know

    Since January 2024 we have been publicising the introduction of the new PSPO and this has led residents to contact the Council to say they felt the restrictions were excessive.

    We also believe that many local residents to Bentley Priory were not aware of the consultation and would like us to consider alternative options.

    This consultation is to allow all parties to have their say on dog control in Bentley Priory.

    What if I responded to the earlier consultation?

    Please note that if you responded to the 2023 consultation, you should still respond to the 2024 consultation. Responses from the both consultation will be considered prior to any additional controls being implemented.

    What are the current dog rules for Bentley Priory?

    All dogs are welcome at Bentley Priory.  

    However under the Boroughwide PSPO, which applies in ALL public spaces in Harrow:

    1. An officer can request a dog not under control to be placed on a lead where it is likely to cause nuisance, injury or disturbance to any other person, or to a bird or another animal.

    2.Dog owners should ensure they pick up after their dog and that they have in their possession a receptacle for removing and disposing of dog faeces from public land 

    3. Dogs should not enter and remain in an area where a London Borough of Harrow notice specifies that dogs are not allowed.

    4. No dog walker should be solely in charge of more than 4 dogs at the same time in a public place. Unless they have  been granted a professional dog walkers permit or special dispensation from London Borough of Harrow Licensing Team.

    What about The Viewpoint?

    While we are consulting, we will not introduce the specified public spaces PSPO which include specific restrictions for The Viewpoint.

    How have you publicised this consultation?

    We will be contacting everyone who took part in the previous consultation.

    We are sending a letter to all homes and businesses surrounding Bentley Priory, which will be delivered by hand from Monday February 19.

    We will be contacting local interest groups and have asked ward councillors to forward the email about the consultation to their contacts.

    We will be promoting on social media and in our weekly e-newsletter MyHarrow News.

    What if people can't access the questionnaire online?

    We will have paper copies of the questionnaire at our events. You can also request one by telephoning Access Harrow on 0208 8635611. Results are then manually added onto the system for the full consultation report results.

    What do you mean by a "well behaved dog"?

    A well behaved dog is one which is deemed under proper control.  The current Boroughwide Public Spaces Protection Order defines this as:

    A dog being on a lead or muzzled if the dog requires it, or otherwise being at heel / close enough to the person in charge that it can be restrained if necessary or responding immediately to voice commands

    What is the concern regarding mating season in Spring Meadow?

    Many migrant and local birds make their nests in the nature reserve.  All breeding birds, nests, eggs and young protected by law from damage/killing but that doesn’t extend to disturbance of the sort that free-running dogs can cause. Even more problematic is that it can also give away the location of a nest to predators.

    At particular risk are various warbler species: whitethroat, lesser whitethroat, garden warbler, and blackcap as well as birds we’ve lost but would like to get back such as the nightingale. 

    Disturbance at other times can be an issue but it is during the breeding season that it is most critical.

    Why are areas around ponds including Friends Meadow highlighted in red?

    It's important to keep dogs away from some areas at the margins of ponds because they can stir up substrate, trample margins, disturb waterfowl and can deposit lethal chemicals washed off their fur.