- The Council is progressing with a Tall Building (‘Building Heights’) SPD to ensure that new development within the suburbs respects the contextual nature of the suburban character that makes up much of Harrow.
- The Tall Building (‘Building Heights’) SPD will provide further guidance to Policy DM1 (Achieving a High Standard of Development), which is a policy within the current Harrow Local Plan. All planning applications are considered against the policies within the Harrow Local Plan. The Tall Building (‘Building Heights’) SPD will give specific guidance in relation to planning applications that propose buildings that are taller than their surrounding suburban context. It will assist in ensuring that new development would not be out of context with the surrounding suburban areas, and that new developments would be of a high-quality design.
- The London Plan (2021) is a strategic planning document for all of London which is published by the Mayor of London, and the policies within it must be taken into consideration by Harrow Council in the determination of any planning applications. It sets out that tall buildings will vary across different locations in London, but are not considered tall buildings unless they are more than 6-storeys or 18m from the ground. However, buildings that do not exceed this height, are not automatically considered acceptable.
- The Tall Building (‘Building Heights’) SPD introduces a context-based approach to what is a tall buildings within suburban Harrow, depending on where a development would be located. This approach acknowledges that much of suburban Harrow is comprised of two storey buildings, and therefore buildings that do not meet the London Plan definition (as set out in the point above) may still appear as tall within its context.
- In progressing a Supplementary Planning Document, the Council is legally required to carry out consultation with statutory bodies and the public.
- It is important for the Council to engage with Harrow residents, as they have an intimate knowledge of the area in which they live, and the potential impacts that new guidance and developments may have on their lives. Consulting local residents and listening to the feedback they provide ensures the Supplementary Planning Document will be robust and have community buy-in.
- No. The Tall Building (Building Heights) Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) is not a document for Harrow Council to deliver tall buildings, nor does it identify where tall buildings would be appropriate. For more information on the Council’s Vision for height across suburban Harrow, please see page 13. of the draft Tall Buildings (Building Heights) SPD.
- The SPD should be used by applicants when developing a proposal for planning permission when height is proposed in suburban areas, to ensure developments are not out of context with the surrounding pattern of development and are of a high design quality. The SPD will be used by council planning officers and elected members as part of determining a planning application.
- You can comment on the Tall Buildings (‘Building Heights’) Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) up until midnight Monday 17th April 2023. To comment on the SPD please complete the survey on the SPD homepage.
- You can read the Tall Building (‘Building Heights’) Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) in the 'Documents' section of the homepage.
- The Council is holding two online consultation events where you will be able to hear more about the SPD from Council officers and ask them questions.
- If you have any further questions please feel free to submit a question in the ‘question’ box, or email LDF@harrow.gov.uk
- The preparation of the Tall Building (‘Building Heights’) Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) is not part of the Local Plan Review.
- Yes you can still comment on the draft new Local Plan when it is published for consultation. For more information on the Local Plan review, please check the Council's Local Plan Let's Talk page, launching in March 2023.
- Following the consultation period, Council officers will review all feedback received in relation to the Tall Building (‘Building Heights’) Supplementary Planning Document (SPD). Where appropriate, officers will propose amendments to the draft SPD as consulted upon, which would seek to address the concerns or comments received.
- The consultation results and an amended SPD will then be reported back to the Harrow Planning Policy Advisory Panel (a cross party advisory panel for planning matters), which is a public forum. The Panel will provide feedback on the proposed amendments and advise or not if the amended SPD should proceed to be adopted by Harrow Cabinet.
- Following feedback by the Harrow Planning Policy Advisory Panel and any outstanding issues are resolved, the SPD will be considered for formal adoption by Harrow Cabinet and if adopted, become a material consideration for planning applications where buildings of height are proposed.
What is a Supplementary Planning Document and what does it do?
A Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) is a document that expands upon an existing policy within the Harrow Local Plan and gives further guidance on a particular planning matter. A SPD does not hold the weight of a policy in a local plan, however it is a material consideration as part of the planning determination process. A SPD should be used by applicants in developing a proposal for planning permission, and by council planning officers and elected members as part of determining a planning application.
Why are Harrow Council bringing forward a Tall Building (Building Heights) SPD?
What is a tall building?
Why is Harrow Council telling us about this?
Are Harrow Council seeking to build tall buildings near me?
How do I comment on the SPD?
How do I find out more about the SPD?
Is this part of the new Local Plan review? Can I comment on that?
What happens after the consultation closes?