Climate Change and Nature Recovery in Harrow

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Welcome to the Living Harrow - Draft Climate & Nature Strategy engagement page.

Thank you for completing the surveys which have now closed. However, the interactive Map function is still open to share any local initiatives you would like made public. We will update in due course on the results of the consultation findings.

This page has been set up to provide stakeholders with information on the Living Harrow - Climate & Nature Strategy including timelines, frequently asked questions, useful documents and relevant links. We would like to hear from you to inform the development of our strategy and how we can help support and scale climate action in our borough.

All consultation on the strategy will be run through this page, so please follow this project for updates.

How to get involved

Let us know your views on taking action for climate and nature, and help to shape the strategy, by filling out one of the surveys below.

To participate in the residents survey please click here.

To participate in the business survey please click here.

Read the Living Harrow - Climate & Nature Strategy and Draft Strategic Action Plan documents for the full details on the proposed strategy.

Don't have the time? Read our Executive Summary.

Look at our frequently asked questions.

Come and talk to us at our public drop ins to be held in Harrow Town Centre in St Anns Road by Katie's Statue (the skipping girl) on Saturday 8 July and Thursday 20 July 2023 from 11am till 2pm.

You can tell us about any local initiatives you would like made public by adding a pin to our interactive map

The draft Climate & Nature Strategy consultation will run from Tuesday 20th of June until Sunday 24th of September 2023.

The Vision

This strategy establishes a framework of key action areas around which the Council and our communities can significantly reduce our combined greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, whilst also enabling the recovery of the natural world upon which we depend.

By doing so, we will play our part to leave Harrow a better place for future generations: stabilising our climate, promoting climate resilience, and allowing the regeneration of ecosystems that support us all.

This will be a just transition that realises the opportunities of new jobs and investment, improved health, wellbeing and education, and a thriving environment for local people.

Key Action Areas

The strategy proposes four key themes around which action is required to help meet the vision:

  • Theme 1: Clean Energy used Efficiently – how we can heat and power our homes and buildings in low carbon ways;
  • Theme 2: Green Mobility - how we can reduce our reliance on fossil fuel vehicles;
  • Theme 3: A Waste Free Economy - how we can minimise waste and grow a sustainable and circular economy; and
  • Theme 4: Healthy Places for Us and Nature - how we can make space for nature in our borough and build a healthy and resilient local environment.

Our Approach

We will lead by example and look at ways to reduce carbon in our own operations for example, through increasing the energy efficiency of public buildings and decarbonising our fleet. However, the Council's emissions are only a small proportion of the borough as a whole and we need your help to really achieve positive and long lasting change in Harrow.

Our day-to-day decisions about how we get around, what we buy or how we use our gardens, can add up over time to make a big difference. Our aim is to help enable everyone to contribute to this work and we would like to understand better what the key issues of concern are locally, what actions people are willing to take and how the Council can best support climate action in our communities.

We are also aware that there is good work already happening across the borough but that this is not always recognised or promoted. The engagement will be an opportunity for the Council to learn more about what good practice / initiatives are already underway in Harrow, share these with others and consider how they can be scaled more widely going forwards.

Welcome to the Living Harrow - Draft Climate & Nature Strategy engagement page.

Thank you for completing the surveys which have now closed. However, the interactive Map function is still open to share any local initiatives you would like made public. We will update in due course on the results of the consultation findings.

This page has been set up to provide stakeholders with information on the Living Harrow - Climate & Nature Strategy including timelines, frequently asked questions, useful documents and relevant links. We would like to hear from you to inform the development of our strategy and how we can help support and scale climate action in our borough.

All consultation on the strategy will be run through this page, so please follow this project for updates.

How to get involved

Let us know your views on taking action for climate and nature, and help to shape the strategy, by filling out one of the surveys below.

To participate in the residents survey please click here.

To participate in the business survey please click here.

Read the Living Harrow - Climate & Nature Strategy and Draft Strategic Action Plan documents for the full details on the proposed strategy.

Don't have the time? Read our Executive Summary.

Look at our frequently asked questions.

Come and talk to us at our public drop ins to be held in Harrow Town Centre in St Anns Road by Katie's Statue (the skipping girl) on Saturday 8 July and Thursday 20 July 2023 from 11am till 2pm.

You can tell us about any local initiatives you would like made public by adding a pin to our interactive map

The draft Climate & Nature Strategy consultation will run from Tuesday 20th of June until Sunday 24th of September 2023.

The Vision

This strategy establishes a framework of key action areas around which the Council and our communities can significantly reduce our combined greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, whilst also enabling the recovery of the natural world upon which we depend.

By doing so, we will play our part to leave Harrow a better place for future generations: stabilising our climate, promoting climate resilience, and allowing the regeneration of ecosystems that support us all.

This will be a just transition that realises the opportunities of new jobs and investment, improved health, wellbeing and education, and a thriving environment for local people.

Key Action Areas

The strategy proposes four key themes around which action is required to help meet the vision:

  • Theme 1: Clean Energy used Efficiently – how we can heat and power our homes and buildings in low carbon ways;
  • Theme 2: Green Mobility - how we can reduce our reliance on fossil fuel vehicles;
  • Theme 3: A Waste Free Economy - how we can minimise waste and grow a sustainable and circular economy; and
  • Theme 4: Healthy Places for Us and Nature - how we can make space for nature in our borough and build a healthy and resilient local environment.

Our Approach

We will lead by example and look at ways to reduce carbon in our own operations for example, through increasing the energy efficiency of public buildings and decarbonising our fleet. However, the Council's emissions are only a small proportion of the borough as a whole and we need your help to really achieve positive and long lasting change in Harrow.

Our day-to-day decisions about how we get around, what we buy or how we use our gardens, can add up over time to make a big difference. Our aim is to help enable everyone to contribute to this work and we would like to understand better what the key issues of concern are locally, what actions people are willing to take and how the Council can best support climate action in our communities.

We are also aware that there is good work already happening across the borough but that this is not always recognised or promoted. The engagement will be an opportunity for the Council to learn more about what good practice / initiatives are already underway in Harrow, share these with others and consider how they can be scaled more widely going forwards.

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Harrow - Climate & Nature Local Projects

11 months

Using the pins please mark the locations to tell us about any local climate and nature initiatives you are involved in and would like others to be aware of.  You can zoom in to enlarge the map and see more detail.

Once you have placed your pins, use the comment box to tell us a few more details about the project. You can also upload a photo if you want to.

Page last updated: 21 Jun 2024, 01:13 PM