Harrow's Long Term Transport Strategy
Consultation has concluded
Welcome to Harrow's Transport Strategy engagement page.
Our engagement on the draft Transport Strategy will run for eight weeks from 8th July to 2nd September 2024.
This consultation has now closed.
The London Borough of Harrow has developed a draft Long Term Transport Strategy to guide the future delivery of sustainable transport schemes by the Council.
We've been developing the Strategy since last year, and it sets out:
- the vision for transport
- the priority areas based on a robust evidence base, and
- an action plan of measures to help achieve the key objectives.
We commissioned Steer, an independent consultancy to develop this strategy with us.
The aims of this consultation are to:
- Understand your views on the future direction of transport and what you think needs to happen
- Inform you and the wider community, and build awareness of the purpose and plans of the Transport Strategy
- Provide an opportunity for people to influence the Transport Strategy
How to get involved
Let us know your views on the draft Long Term Transport Strategy by filling out the short survey below. Please click on the SURVEY here.
This is designed to be read in conjunction with the Long Term Transport Strategy summary document, as well as the longer, more detailed Strategy which can be found here. The information contained in the Summary document was verified when it was approved by the Council in November 2023 and may have changed by the time the consultation takes place. Information will be reviewed as part of the update to the Transport Strategy post consultation.
The survey is for anyone who is a Harrow resident, works or travels in the Borough, or who represents a business or employer in Harrow. It is an opportunity for you to tell us what you think about the vision, priority areas and the potential measures proposed to date, and to ensure that your voice is heard as we finalise the Strategy.
The survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. Please answer as many questions as you can and skip those that you do not wish to answer or return to complete later if you need a break.
The survey will be available to complete until 2nd September 2024. If you have any questions about the Transport Strategy, please email transportation@harrow.gov.uk
Want to know more?
We will be running some drop-in sessions at our Conversation Café where you can discuss your views further on the Strategy. More details on these are in the Key Dates section (to the right). We are planning more events for August so please revisit the page for dates and details.
What happens next?
Feedback will help officers better understand whether the draft Transport Strategy reflects the vision, priorities and proposals that local communities want to see for Transport in their Borough. This will be used to inform any appropriate changes to the Strategy document. The Council and Steer will update the Strategy following feedback during the consultation, including at our drop in conversation café events and workshops.
Further update:
Harrow's Cabinet endorsed the LTTS at meeting held on 17 December 2024.
An Engagement and Consultation Report as well as the Cabinet Report have been added to the documents.